Following government License Assistance will be provided at free of cost
- Sanction Plan Approval from the competent Authority.
- Temporary Electricity connections.
- Permanent Electricity connections.
- Permanent BWSSB connections and Water Meter.
- Finished Floor Level to Finished Floor Level height -10’6”
- RCC Footings, Column, Column Pedestal, Plinth Beam, Beams, Lintel, Chajjas, Lofts as per Structural design and drawings, using M-20 Grade Concrete (in situ- Machine Mix/Ready mix).
- Solid Block masonry with good quality block, CM 1:6 of 6” thick for Outer wall”.
- Solid Block masonry with good quality block, CM 1:6 of 6” thick for Inner wall”.
- Solid Block masonry with good quality block, CM 1:6 of 4” thick for bath room wall”.
- Concrete band at sill level of windows opening in Cement Concrete 1:2:4.
- Lintels in Cement Concrete 1:2:4.
- RCC Chajja in Cement Concrete 1:2:4, wide up to 2’-0”
- RCC Lofts in Cement Concrete 1:2:4, wide up to 2’-0”.
- Providing and laying Cement Concrete 1:4:8 Machine Mix, bed concrete below Foundation, Footing in Trenches and below Flooring, using 40 mm down size aggregates.
- RCC Roof Slab up to 6” thick in M-20 Grade. (in situ- Machine Mix/Ready mix).
- Staircase : RCC in CC 1:1½:3, with 5” thick waist slab. (Regular).
- Finished Floor Level height: up to 2 feet from Road level.
- Cement : Penna/Dalmia for RCC works, Block work, Plastering and Flooring work etc.
- Steel : Gopala-TMT Fy500.
- M-Sand for all RCC works, all Masonry works.
- P-Sand for Plastering
- Construction of Lift Pit, shaft and supply of electric power to Lift, will be provided if required.
- Main Door: Ghana Teak wood door frame of 5”X3” section, with 32mm thick Ghana Teak wood door Shutters with Brass fittings, including polishing etc., complete.
- Internal doors: Red Sal wood door frame of 5” x 3” section, with Pine wood door Shutters, with Heavy Gauge powder coated aluminum fittings and 1 coat of Birla Putty, 2 coat of enamel paint.
- Toilet doors: Red Sal wood door frame of 5”X3” section, with 30mm thick Pine wood door Shutters, with powder coated aluminum fittings and 1 coat of Birla Putty, 2 coat of enamel paint.
- All Windows of
- All Windows to be as per architectural drawings with UPVC – 3 trace windows (2 glass + 1 mosquito net).
- Ventilators: UPVC of size 2’X2’ including Exhaust Fan provision for Bathroom and Kitchen
- Plastering inside with Cement and lime rendering in C M 1:4
- Ceiling plastering with Cement and lime rendering in C M 1:4
- Outside with Sponge finish in C M 1:6 mix.
- Chicken mesh is provided for all joint between RCC and Masonry works.
- For Living Room/Hall: Marble finished Vitrified tiles, Maximum Tile size 4’X2’. (Basic price up to Rs. 60/sft.)
- For Bed room, kitchen and Dining: Vitrified tiles, Maximum Tile size 4’X2’. (Basic price up to Rs. 50/sft.)
- Balcony, Sit-out, Passage: Anti-skid tiles maximum size is 2’X2’. (Basic price up to Rs. 50/Sft.)
- Toilet flooring: Anti-skid Vitrified/Ceramic tiles of Size 2’X2’. (Basic price up to Rs. 45/Sft.)
- Utility flooring: Anti-skid Vitrified/Ceramic tiles of Size 2’X2’. (Basic price up to Rs. 45/Sft.)
- Toilet wall: Vitrified/Glazed tiles Dadooing of size 2’X1’, up to Ceiling level. (Basic price up to Rs. 45/Sft).
- Kitchen wall Dado: Glazed tiles Dado will be provided above the Kitchen Platform up to Lintel level (7 feet height). (Basic price up to Rs. 50/Sft.)
- Stair Case: Granite (Basic price up to Rs. 80/Sft.)
- Parking Tiles: Parking area, setback area and other open area in Stilt floor will be provided. (Basic price up to Rs. 50/Sft.)
- Terrace Floor: Providing and laying weather proof course (WPC) over Roof top cement slurry over an average 2” bed of Cement Concrete, 12 mm aggregate using Asian/Roffe /Fosroc WP compound.
- Colors and Pattern: Owner’s selection.
- Kitchen Platform/counter top: Jet Black, 40mm Granite Slab Bull nose edges are provided. (Basic price up to Rs. 100/Sft.)
- Dining Platform for Sink: Jet Black, 40mm Granite Slab Bull nose edges are provided. (Basic price up to Rs. 100/Sft.)
- Water supply inner pipes: CPVC Supreme, ISI Make with necessary pipe fittings
- Water supply outer side: CPVC Supreme, ISI Make with necessary pipe fittings
- Sanitary and Rain water pipes: PVC Supreme with 6kg/sqcm with necessary pipe fittings
- Washbasin & Drain connections for all utilities.
- External sewage system: inspection chambers and sewage outlet up to main line situated at road.
- Sump Tank: Providing and constructing 15,000 liter, 6” thick RCC Sump tank and plastering using water proof compound including RCC 1:2:4 cover slab, with Cast Iron man hole cover size 2’X2’ for maintenance.
- Over head Tank: PVC over head tank 2 No of 1,000 liter each Sintex / Kaveri or equivalent make.
- Solar Heater: Only Plumbing lines will be provide for all bath rooms.
- Rain water harvesting facility for ground water recharge are provided.
- Lighting circuit with 3/22 copper wire, Polycab ISI brand.
- Heating circuit with 7/20 copper wire, Polycab ISI brand.
- Boxes: Metal boxes & Pipes Wall mould VIP, PVC 2mm thick pipe ¾” dia. (Anchor).
- Earthing: Provided for Lighting & Heating points, along with earthing pit at Ground floor.
- Power point for Solar & Water level controller
- Providing Geysar point of all bathrooms.
- Separate DB and MCB for each Flat of make Legrand.
- Unlimited lights points and power points in side.
- Unlimited lights points and power points for elevation.
- Provision of Car charging point at parkin area.
- Provision for UPS.
- Window grills: M S Bright rod including enamel paint.
- External Staircase and Balconies with M S Railing using 16 gauge as per design and (Basic price up to Rs.200/sft)
- Main Gate: MS Designer gate with RCC Column both side, design as per clients choice (Basic price up to 450/sft)
- Safety grill: safety grill for utility and other open area are not included, if required charged accordingly.
- Internal walls: 2 coats of wall putty, 1 coat of Primer and 2 coat of premium. (Brand: Asian/berger/dulux)
- External walls: 1 coat of primer and 2 coats of Apex paint water proofing paints. (Brand: Asian/berger/dulux)
- Colors is Owner’s selection
- Excavation, PCC, foundation with Construction of size stone masonry with DPC course.
- Construction of Solid Block walls of 4” thickness to suit the elevation.
- Height of compound wall: 5 Feet
- Length of Compound wall: Periphery of the Site area.
- Compound wall including both sides plastered and painted.
Parapet wall: 6” thick and 3’6” height Solid block masonry for terrace floor.
- Water proofing for Terrace will be provided.
- Water proofing for Bath rooms will be provided.
- All department charges such as Sanction Plan approval for building, Electrical Deposit for Meter, Main meter board, Water supply and Sanitary Deposit amount to be borne by Owner.
- If the owner selected the item above the Basic price, the Additional cost shall be borne by the Owner, the variation in cost will be prepared in separate Escalation bill.
- Water and Electricity shall be provided by the Owner for construction A pump should be provided to the Bore well, also Pump should be provided for Sump tank.
- Bore well, Mechanical Lift, Electrical fitting, Plumbing Fittings and Interior, Client should take separate quotation.
- SBC of Soil is considered at 180 KN/sqm and depth of foundation is considered as 5 feet from Road Level. in case of weak soil, construction of combined foundation, piles foundation and process of Increasing Soil stability etc.. is borne by the Owner.
- If the projects delay from client due to financial condition or other purpose the difference in rate of steel and cement should be paid separately by the client.
- As per the Site condition hard rock excavation in Foundation & Column trenches will be at the rate of 60 / Cft. if necessary.
- Construction cost for the above mentioned specification for 100 sft is Rs.1,90,000 (Rupees one Lakhs Ninety Thousand only)
- Measurements are taken for Built-up Area
- Separate measurements for Extended Balcony to be taken and paid as same as package rate.
- Project duration to be 12 Months from date of signing the agreement.

- Sanction Plan Approval from the competent Authority.
- Temporary Electricity connections.
- Permanent Electricity connections.
- Permanent BWSSB connections and Water Meter.
- Finished Floor Level to Finished Floor Level height -10’6”
- RCC Footings, Column, Column Pedestal, Plinth Beam, Beams, Lintel, Chajjas, Lofts as per Structural design and drawings, using M-20 Grade Concrete (in situ- Machine Mix/Ready mix).
- Solid Block masonry with good quality block, CM 1:6 of 8” thick for Outer wall”.
- Solid Block masonry with good quality block, CM 1:6 of 6” thick for Inner wall”.
- Solid Block masonry with good quality block, CM 1:6 of 4” thick for bath room wall”.
- Concrete band at sill level of windows opening in Cement Concrete 1:2:4.
- Lintels in Cement Concrete 1:2:4.
- RCC Chajja in Cement Concrete 1:2:4, wide up to 2’-0”
- RCC Lofts in Cement Concrete 1:2:4, wide up to 2’-0”.
- Providing and laying Cement Concrete 1:4:8 Machine Mix, bed concrete below Foundation, Footing in Trenches and below Flooring, using 40 mm down size aggregates.
- RCC Roof Slab up to 6” thick in M-20 Grade. (in situ- Machine Mix/Ready mix).
- Staircase : RCC in CC 1:1½:3, with 5” thick waist slab. (Regular).
- Finished Floor Level height: up to 2 feet from Road level.
- Cement : ACC Grade-53 for RCC works, Block work, Plastering and Flooring work etc.
- Steel : JSW-TMT Fy500.
- M-Sand for all RCC works, all Masonry works.
- P-Sand for Plastering
- Construction of Lift Pit, shaft and supply of electric power to Lift, will be provided if required.
- Main Door: Ghana Teak wood door frame of 6”X4” section, with 32mm thick Ghana Teak wood door Shutters with Brass fittings, including polishing etc., complete.
- Internal doors: Red Sal wood door frame of 5” x 3” section, with high density fiber board (HDFB) 32mm thick Flush door shutters, with Heavy Gauge powder coated aluminum fittings and 1 coat of Birla Putty, 2 coat of enamel paint.
- Toilet doors: Red Sal wood door frame of 5”X3” section, with 30mm thick Pine wood door Shutters, with powder coated aluminum fittings and 1 coat of Birla Putty, 2 coat of enamel paint.
- All Windows of
- All Windows to be as per architectural drawings with UPVC – 3 trace windows (2 glass + 1 mosquito net).
- Ventilators: UPVC of size 2’X2’ including Exhaust Fan provision for Bathroom and Kitchen
- Plastering inside with Cement and lime rendering in C M 1:4
- Ceiling plastering with Cement and lime rendering in C M 1:4
- Outside with Sponge finish in C M 1:6 mix.
- Chicken mesh is provided for all joint between RCC and Masonry works.
- For Living Room/Hall: Marble finished Vitrified tiles, Maximum Tile size 4’X2’. (Basic price up to Rs. 70/sft.)
- For Bed room, kitchen and Dining: Vitrified tiles, Maximum Tile size 4’X2’. (Basic price up to Rs. 60/sft.)
- Balcony, Sit-out, Passage: Anti-skid tiles maximum size is 2’X2’. (Basic price up to Rs. 50/Sft.)
- Toilet flooring: Anti-skid Vitrified/Ceramic tiles of Size 2’X2’. (Basic price up to Rs. 50/Sft.)
- Utility flooring: Anti-skid Vitrified/Ceramic tiles of Size 2’X2’. (Basic price up to Rs. 50/Sft.)
- Toilet wall: Vitrified/Glazed tiles Dadooing of size 2’X1’, up to Ceiling level. (Basic price up to Rs. 50/Sft).
- Kitchen wall Dado: Glazed tiles Dado will be provided above the Kitchen Platform up to Lintel level (7 feet height). (Basic price up to Rs. 50/Sft.)
- Stair Case: Granite (Basic price up to Rs. 100/Sft.)
- Parking Tiles: Parking area, setback area and other open area in Stilt floor will be provided. (Basic price up to Rs. 50/Sft.)
- Terrace Floor: Providing and laying weather proof course (WPC) over Roof top cement slurry over an average 2” bed of Cement Concrete, 12 mm aggregate using Asian/Roffe /Fosroc WP compound.
- Kitchen Platform/counter top: Jet Black, 40mm Granite Slab with Bull nose edges are provided. (Basic price up to Rs. 150/Sft.)
- Dining Platform for Sink: Jet Black, 40mm Granite Slab with Bull nose edges are provided. (Basic price up to Rs. 150/Sft.)
- Kitchen Sink: Stainless Steel Sink with drain. (Basic price up to Rs. 2500/No.)
- Water supply inner pipes: CPVC Astral, ISI Make with necessary pipe fittings
- Water supply outer side: CPVC Astral, ISI Make with necessary pipe fittings
- Sanitary and Rain water pipes: PVC Supreme with 6kg/sqcm with necessary pipe fittings
- Washbasin & Drain connections for all utilities.
- External sewage system: inspection chambers and sewage outlet up to main line situated at road.
- Sump Tank: Providing and constructing up to 15,000 liter, 6” thick RCC Sump tank and plastering using water proof compound including RCC 1:2:4 cover slab, with Cast Iron man hole cover size 2’X2’ for maintenance.
- Over head Tank: PVC over head tank 2 No of 1,000 liter each Sintex/Kaveri or equivalent make.
- Solar Heater: Only Plumbing lines will be provide for all bath rooms.
- Rain water harvesting facility for ground water recharge are provided.
- Lighting circuit with 3/22 copper wire, Finolex ISI brand.
- Heating circuit with 7/20 copper wire, Finolex ISI brand.
- Boxes: Metal boxes & Pipes Wall mould VIP, PVC 2mm thick pipe ¾” dia. (Anchor).
- Earthing: Provided for Lighting & Heating points, along with earthing pit at Ground floor.
- Power point for Solar & Water level controller
- Providing Geysar point of all bathrooms.
- Separate DB and MCB for each Flat of make Legrand.
- Unlimited lights points and power points in side.
- Unlimited lights points and power points for elevation.
- Provision of Car charging point at parkin area.
- Provision for UPS.
- Window grills: M S Bright rod including enamel paint.
- External Staircase and Balconies with M S Railing using 16 gauge as per design and (Basic price up to Rs.250/sft)
- Main Gate: MS Designer gate with RCC Column both side, design as per clients choice (Basic price up to 500/sft)
- Safety grill: safety grill for utility and other open area are not included, if required charged accordingly.
- Internal walls: 2 coats of wall putty, 1 coat of Primer and 2 coat of premium. (Brand: Asian/berger/dulux)
- External walls: 1 coat of primer and 2 coats of Apex paint water proofing paints. (Brand: Asian/berger/dulux)
- Colors is Owner’s selection
- Excavation, PCC, foundation with Construction of size stone masonry with DPC course.
- Construction of Solid Block walls of 4” thickness to suit the elevation.
- Height of compound wall: 5 Feet
- Length of Compound wall: Periphery of the Site area.
- Compound wall including both sides plastered and painted.
Parapet wall: 6” thick and 3’6” height Solid block masonry for terrace floor.
- Water proofing for Terrace will be provided.
- Water proofing for Bath rooms will be provided.
- All department charges such as Sanction Plan approval for building, Electrical Deposit for Meter, Main meter board, Water supply and Sanitary Deposit amount to be borne by Owner.
- If the owner selected the item above the Basic price, the Additional cost shall be borne by the Owner, the variation in cost will be prepared in separate Escalation bill.
- Water and Electricity shall be provided by the Owner for construction A pump should be provided to the Bore well, also Pump should be provided for Sump tank.
- Bore well, Mechanical Lift, Electrical fitting, Plumbing Fittings and Interior, Client should take separate quotation.
- SBC of Soil is considered at 180 KN/sqm and depth of foundation is considered as 5 feet from Road Level. in case of weak soil, construction of combined foundation, piles foundation and process of Increasing Soil stability etc.. is borne by the Owner.
- If the projects delay from client due to financial condition or other purpose the difference in rate of steel and cement should be paid separately by the client.
- As per the Site condition hard rock excavation in Foundation & Column trenches will be at the rate of 60 / Cft. if necessary.
- All additional works / extra works which is not included in this package shall be borne by the Owner as per prevailing market rates.
- Construction cost for the above mentioned specification for 100 sft is Rs.2,10,000 (Rupees Two Lakhs ten Thousand only)
- Measurements are taken for Built-up Area
- Separate measurements for Extended Balcony to be taken and paid as same as package rate.
- Project duration to be 12 Months from date of signing the agreement.
Following government License Assistance will be provided at free of cost
- Sanction Plan Approval from the competent Authority.
- Temporary Electricity connections.
- Permanent Electricity connections.
- Permanent BWSSB connections and Water Meter.
- Finished Floor Level to Finished Floor Level height -10’6”
- RCC Footings, Column, Column Pedestal, Plinth Beam, Beams, Lintel, Chajjas, Lofts as per Structural design and drawings, using M-25 Grade Concrete (in situ- Machine Mix/Ready mix).
- Solid Block masonry with good quality block, CM 1:6 of 8” thick for Outer wall”.
- Solid Block masonry with good quality block, CM 1:6 of 6” thick for Inner wall”.
- Solid Block masonry with good quality block, CM 1:6 of 4” thick for bath room wall”.
- Concrete band at sill level of windows opening in Cement Concrete 1:2:4.
- Lintels in Cement Concrete 1:2:4.
- RCC Chajja in Cement Concrete 1:2:4, wide up to 2’-0”
- RCC Lofts in Cement Concrete 1:2:4, wide up to 2’-0”.
- Providing and laying Cement Concrete 1:4:8 Machine Mix, bed concrete below Foundation, Footing in Trenches and below Flooring, using 40 mm down size aggregates.
- RCC Roof Slab up to 6” thick in M-20 Grade. (in situ- Machine Mix/Ready mix).
- Staircase : RCC in CC 1:1½:3, with 5” thick waist slab. (Regular).
- Finished Floor Level height: up to 2 feet from Road level.
- Cement : Birla Super Grade-53 for RCC works, Block work, Plastering and Flooring work etc.
- Steel : TATA/JSW -TMT Fy500.
- M-Sand for all RCC works, all Masonry works.
- P-Sand for Plastering
- Construction of Lift Pit, shaft and supply of electric power to Lift, will be provided if required.
- Main Door: Teak wood door frame of 9”X4” section, with 32mm thick Teak wood door Shutters with Brass fittings, including polishing etc., complete.
- Internal doors: Red Sal wood door frame of 5” x 3” section, with high density fiber board (HDFB) 32mm thick Flush door shutters, with Heavy Gauge powder coated aluminum fittings and 1 coat of Birla Putty, 2 coat of enamel paint.
- All Windows: Red Sal wood windows frame of 5” x 3” section, and shutters with Heavy Gauge powder coated aluminum fittings and 1 coat of Birla Putty, 2 coat of enamel paint.
- Plastering inside with Cement and lime rendering in C M 1:4
- Ceiling plastering with Cement and lime rendering in C M 1:4
- Outside with Sponge finish in C M 1:6 mix.
- Chicken mesh is provided for all joint between RCC and Masonry works.
- For Living Room/Hall: Marble finished Vitrified tiles, Maximum Tile size 4’X2’. (Basic price up to Rs. 100/sft.)
- For Bed room, kitchen and Dining: Vitrified tiles, Maximum Tile size 4’X2’. (Basic price up to Rs. 80/sft.)
- Balcony, Sit-out, Passage: Anti-skid tiles maximum size is 2’X2’. (Basic price up to Rs. 60/Sft.)
- Toilet flooring: Anti-skid Vitrified/Ceramic tiles of Size 2’X2’. (Basic price up to Rs. 60/Sft.)
- Utility flooring: Anti-skid Vitrified/Ceramic tiles of Size 2’X2’. (Basic price up to Rs. 60/Sft.)
- Toilet wall: Vitrified/Glazed tiles Dadooing of size 2’X1’, up to Ceiling level. (Basic price up to Rs. 60/Sft).
- Kitchen wall Dado: Glazed tiles Dado will be provided above the Kitchen Platform up to Lintel level (7 feet height). (Basic price up to Rs. 60/Sft.)
- Stair Case: Granite (Basic price up to Rs. 150/Sft.)
- Parking Tiles: Parking area, setback area and other open area in Stilt floor will be provided. (Basic price up to Rs. 60/Sft.)
- Terrace Floor: Providing and laying weather proof course (WPC) over Roof top cement slurry over an average 2” bed of Cement Concrete, 12 mm aggregate using Asian/Roffe /Fosroc WP compound.
- Colors and Pattern: Owner’s selection.
- Kitchen Platform/counter top: Quarts slab, 40mm Thick, Bull nose edges are provided. (Basic price up to Rs. 300/Sft.)
- Dining Platform for Sink: Jet Black, 40mm Granite Slab Bull nose edges are provided. (Basic price up to Rs. 150/Sft.)
- Kitchen Sink: Stainless Steel Sink with drain. (Basic price up to Rs. 4000/No.)
- Water supply inner pipes: CPVC Ashirwad, ISI Make with necessary pipe fittings
- Water supply outer side: CPVC Ashirwad, ISI Make with necessary pipe fittings
- Sanitary and Rain water pipes: PVC Supreme with 6kg/sqcm with necessary pipe fittings
- Washbasin & Drain connections for all utilities.
- External sewage system: inspection chambers and sewage outlet up to main line situated at road.
- Sump Tank: Providing and constructing up to 20,000 liter, 6” thick RCC Sump tank and plastering using water proof compound including RCC 1:2:4 cover slab, with Cast Iron man hole cover size 2’X2’ for maintenance.
- Over head Tank: PVC over head tank 3 No of 1,000 liter each Ashirwad make.
- Solar Heater: Only Plumbing lines will be provide for all bath rooms.
- Rain water harvesting facility for ground water recharge are provided.
- Lighting circuit with 3/22 copper wire, Havells ISI brand.
- Heating circuit with 7/20 copper wire, Havells ISI brand.
- Boxes: Metal boxes & Pipes Wall mould VIP, PVC 2mm thick pipe ¾” dia. (Anchor).
- Earthing: Provided for Lighting & Heating points, along with earthing pit at Ground floor.
- Power point for Solar & Water level controller
- Providing Geysar point of all bathrooms.
- Separate DB and MCB for each Flat of make Havells.
- Unlimited lights points and power points in side.
- Unlimited lights points and power points for elevation.
- Provision of Car charging point at parkin area.
- Provision for UPS.
- Window grills: M S Bright rod including enamel paint.
- External Staircase and Balconies with M S Railing using 14 gauge as per design and (Basic price up to Rs.300/sft)
- Main Gate: MS Designer gate with RCC Column both side, design as per clients choice (Basic price up to 750/sft)
- Safety grill: safety grill for utility and other open area are not included, if required charged accordingly.
- Internal walls: 2 coats of wall putty, 1 coat of Primer and 2 coat of Royal Paint. (Brand: Asian/berger/dulux)
- External walls: 1 coat of primer and 2 coats of Ultima water proofing paints. (Brand: Asian/berger/dulux)
- Colors is Owner’s selection
- Excavation, PCC, foundation with Construction of size stone masonry with DPC course.
- Construction of Solid Block walls of 4” thickness to suit the elevation.
- Height of compound wall: 5 Feet
- Length of Compound wall: Periphery of the Site area.
Parapet wall: 6” thick and 3’6” height Solid block masonry for terrace floor.
- Water proofing for Terrace will be provided.
- Water proofing for Bath rooms will be provided.
- All department charges such as Sanction Plan approval for building, Electrical Deposit for Meter, Main meter board, Water supply and Sanitary Deposit amount to be borne by Owner.
- If the owner selected the item above the Basic price, the Additional cost shall be borne by the Owner, the variation in cost will be prepared in separate Escalation bill.
- Water and Electricity shall be provided by the Owner for construction A pump should be provided to the Bore well, also Pump should be provided for Sump tank.
- Bore well, Mechanical Lift, Electrical fitting, Plumbing Fittings and Interior, Client should take separate quotation.
- SBC of Soil is considered at 180 KN/sqm and depth of foundation is considered as 5 feet from Road Level. in case of weak soil, construction of combined foundation, piles foundation and process of Increasing Soil stability etc.. is borne by the Owner.
- If the projects delay from client due to financial condition or other purpose the difference in rate of steel and cement should be paid separately by the client.
- As per the Site condition hard rock excavation in Foundation & Column trenches will be at the rate of 60 / Cft. if necessary.
- All additional works / extra works which is not included in this package shall be borne by the Owner as per prevailing market rates.
- Construction cost for the above mentioned specification for 100 sft is Rs.2,50,000 (Rupees Two Lakhs Fifty Thousand only)
- Measurements are taken for Built-up Area
- Separate measurements for Extended Balcony to be taken and paid as same as package rate.
- Project duration to be 12 Months from date of signing the agreement.